Gary Graham

American artist and fashion designer Gary Graham (b. 1969) creates limited-run collections of women’s clothing at his studio in upstate New York. Garments are made on-site using antique textiles, custom jacquards, and natural fiber woven from domestic mills. GaryGraham422 is his site-specific project that allows space, history and community to determine textile production and to inform the making of intimate collections. Narratives for each collection combine real stories with fictional characters to blur distinctions between past, present and future in mysterious ways.

The Gary Graham brand was founded in NYC in 1999. Respected for its exquisite detailing, sophisticated craftsmanship and historical erudition, the clothing line was sold at select luxury retailers worldwide, and at the brand’s flagship Tribeca store. 

GaryGraham422 is a conceptual rebirth; in 2018 Gary relocated both his studio and store to the small town of Franklin NY and reconfigured his production as small-batch fabrication, with unique interventions to one-of-a-kind fabrics. The studio’s rural locale has inspired new historical narratives and encouraged experimentation and the exploration of time-intensive techniques.

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