Tender Meeting — A group exhibition
Tender Meeting
June 18 — August 8 2022
Hugo Alonso · Cole Barash · Céline Bodin · Marta Cascales Alimbau · Nancy Fuller · Todd Hido · Alex Kanevsky · Julia Kent · Genevieve Lutkin · Michael A. Muller · Giorgio Petracci · Bryan Schutmaat · Donavon Smallwood · Jillian Solotes · Brea Souders · Matt Wilson · Lauren Withrow
Listening Room I — Michael A. Muller
Listening Room II — Marta Cascales Alimbau
Listening Room III — Julia Kent
Tender Meeting is an online group exhibition in a virtual, communal space designed by Derek Elliott.
Artists are invited to share work that explores the meaning of placelessness and the tender meeting ground that organically emerges beyond geographical coordinates or locales.
In the sanctuary of a virtually rendered gallery, featured works are not defined by their relation to the scale and design of a fixed edifice, but tenderly recombined to create an experiential, sensorial realm where materials, forms, and pathways take root to reinforce one another. With the assemblage of media under one metaphorical roof, each artist articulates, documents, and narrates from a personal vantage point or memory of place. Using raw materials from digital and tangible worlds, Prairie’s communal gallery features original soundscapes, film, 2D, and 3D works.
In placelessness, there is no fixed ground, so artists are encouraged to build upon ideas that reference tender meetings made possible through nodes and spatial networks that access expressions of vulnerability. The forged connections and landscapes that result are potentially stronger than the physical world can provide. For some, this meeting is a familiar feeling or crossroad, for others, the territory is foreign with pioneering and unknown sensations.
The Tender Meeting realm is conceptually reminiscent of meditative projects that explore light and space, i.e. Rothko’s Chapel, created to evoke a sense of stillness and permeating silence. In an effort to journey beyond, this inaugural gathering creates a unifying field of discovery and vastness that proposes a new span of connection and consciousness. Prairie artists play and find comfort within our most natural, human resources: memory, dreams, imagination, and historic inclinations to find movement forward, collectively so.
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